• Mice and rats are the most commonly used vertebrate species, popular because of their availability, size, low cost, ease of handling, and fast reproduction rates. They are widely considered to be the prime model of inherited human diseases and share 99% of their genes with humans. Behavioral measures are used to detect or measure changes in CNS and PNS functions that may be produced by induced diseases, neural injuries, genetic modifications or exposure to various drugs and treatments.


    NEUROFIT offers several cognition tests to assess the efficacy of your compounds. All our tests are run routinely by our experts who are also available to provide you with advice in terms of the design of your experiment. Our goal is to provide you the most relevant data based on your specific needs.

  • The T-maze continuous alternation task (T-CAT) is one of the methods implemented to evaluate the spatial exploratory performance in mice.

  • Passive Avoidance is a fear-aggravated test used to assess the short- term and/or long-term memory.

  • The novel object recognition task in rodents is a test used to evaluate the working memory in rodents.