Glutamate excitotoxicity

Newsletter # 51

Cellular models

Glutamate excitotoxicity is an important mechanism of neuronal death in a wide range of neurological disorders. Stroke, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and Alzheimer's disease are few examples of pathologies where glutamate excitotoxicity is known to play a role.

NEUROFIT implements glutamate-induced excitotoxicity in primary cultures of cortical neurons in order to evaluate the potential neuroprotective effect of new compounds.

  • Neurotoxicity of glutamate as assessed by the extracellular release of LDH and the neuroprotective effect of increasing doses of MK-801.

    **, *** statistically significant as compared to the Vehicle / glutamate condition

  • Reduced neuronal viability in response to acute glutamate intoxication and the neuroprotective effect of increasing doses of MK-801.

    *** statistically significant as compared to the Vehicle / glutamate condition

  • Destruction of the neuronal network induced by glutamate and the neuroprotective effect of increasing doses of MK-801.

    **, *** statistically significant as compared to the Vehicle / glutamate condition

NEUROFIT offers a range of validated in vitro and in vivo screening tests for psychiatry and neurology.

If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us, we will reply within few days. Custom protocol

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